
##1 AST Tester http://www.atatech.org/articles/3530

##2 Randoop https://code.google.com/p/randoop/ 用了下eclipse的插件,只能随机生成测试用例。没有diea插件,言屌

##3 JTestCase http://www.parasoft.com/jtest?itemId=14 收费,言屌

##4 TestGen4J TestGen4J is a collection of open-source tools that automatically generates unit test cases. TestGen4J automatically generates JUnit test cases from your own Java class files, or source files. Its primary focus is to exercise boundary value testing of the arguments passed to the method. It uses rules, written in a user-configurable XML file, that defines boundary conditions for the data types. The test code is separated from test data with the help of JTestCase.

The test code is generated in a hierarchical manner. A main test suite is generated which invokes test suites of individual classes. The individual class test suite is formed by collection of test methods of that class.

The test data is also organized hierarchically, corresponding to the structure of the test code, in XML format. This XML file actually has data for all unit test cases for each method. JTestCase helps to loop through all the test cases of each method and executing one http://www.spikesource.com/projects/testgen4j/ 主页都打不开,言屌

##5 CodePro AnalytiX google的产品: JUnit Test Case Generation JUnit Test Editor 这两个配合起来使用,书写测试用例可以用UI完成,还是不错的。为啥没有idea插件呢?

##6 agitarone http://www.agitar.com/solutions/products/agitarone.html 功能很强大,是我想要的菜,不过收费啊,言屌

##7 gebish http://www.gebish.org/ web自动化测试,非单元测试

转载请注明出处 http://www.xiangguo.li/software_test/2014/08/06/software_test8

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